ac maintenance

A/C inside can keep things cool even in this scorching weather! That means they are also the most expensive item on your energy bill every month. 

However, they do not have to be! You could be paying less to cool your home. The first step to saving understands your air conditioners energy consumption and cost. Keep reading to get more details about AC cleaning in Dubai.

What Elements Affect the Consumption of AC Power?

A few of the many variables that influence AC power usage are listed below:

  • The amount of AC power used in a room depends on its population. For instance, to chill a room with 20–25 people, many air conditioners are needed, whereas just one air conditioner is needed in a room with 3–5 people. 
  • Room size is crucial when it comes to the amount of AC power used. The amount of AC power used will increase with room size. Likewise, smaller rooms only need a little power for air conditioning. 
  • The amount of AC power used depends on the temperature inside and outside the room. 
  • The total amount of electrical equipment in the space produces greater heat, which ultimately raises the amount of electricity needed for the air conditioner to chill the space. 
  • While ACs with ratings of one or two stars have greater AC power consumption, ACs with ratings of five stars aid in energy conservation. 
  • The kind of air conditioner selected—window, split, inverter, or central—affects its electricity use. Hire the best AC maintenance services to get professional service.
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How Can AC Power Consumption Be Reduced?

Here are some suggestions or methods to lower AC power usage if you're concerned about monthly high AC bills: 

  • When not in use, turn the air conditioner off. 
  • Maintain the perfect AC temperature. 
  • Make careful to maintain it at the most recent level. 
  • As soon as you see that your AC is using more energy, replace it. 
  • If your AC is old, you may purchase, sell, or trade it in. 
  • If you want to chill the room a bit quicker, operate the ceiling fan. 
  • Choose an Internet of Things device to assist in turning appliances on and off when they are in use or not. 
  • Shut the windows and doors to chill the space quickly. 
  • Timely clean the AC filters. 
  • Ensure that direct sunlight does not reach your air conditioner. The AC compressor should be kept in the shade.


 It is advisable to evaluate many AC manufacturers before choosing one. The cost of AC maintenance, brand services, pricing, AC rating, cooling capacity, and other factors should all be considered while making the comparison. In addition, it is a good idea to examine the expenses associated with using an air conditioner.

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